1. The fees are to be paid by cheque/DDs only. Cheques/DDs to be drawn in the name of Universal College of Commerce & Science.
2. Fees for the entire year can be paid together at the time of admission.
3. At the time of admission, the first instalment is payable by DD along with post dated cheques for the remaining instalments of the year.
4. The fees are payable in instalments as prescribed by the institute only on or before the scheduled dates. The payment of fees by instalment is intended merely to facilitate the parents / guardians and should not in any manner be construed as a right. The institute reserves its right to discontinue and/or reduce payment by instalments at its discretion.
5. Fees once paid are non-transferable / non-adjustable / non-refundable under any circumstances and are subject to the exceptions as set out in the refund policy.
6. Exit documents will be issued only after full and complete settlement of outstanding dues.
7. Any statutory taxes, if made applicable and/or if increased and/or for any facility provided by the institute , shall have to be borne and shall have to be paid by parents / guardians from time to time.
8. In case of any cheque towards payment of fees being dishonoured, the institute reserves its right to de-enroll the student at its discretion and levy any other penalty as it may deem fit.
9. The institute reserves its right to disallow a student from participating in any of its activities whose fees remain unpaid in full or in part.
10. The institute reserves its right to not to issue reports, certificates or recommendations to future institutions whose fees remain unpaid in full or in part.
11. The institute reserves the right to increase / revise / amend the fee structure.
1. Admission fee / Registration fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances
or for any reason whatsoever, including where a parent / guardian withdraws admission of his/her child/ ward or communicates his/her intention not to send the child /ward to attend institute at any time before the scheduled commencement of the year or where after joining the institute , a parent / guardian withdraws admission or the child / ward leaves the institute before the end of that year.
2. If a parent /guardian withdraws admission of his/her child/ward at any time before scheduled commencement of term, refund, if any, of fees, will be subject to the following provisions
– If an admission is withdrawn on or before 28th February, full Tuition and Term fees will be refunded.
– If an admission is withdrawn after 28th February but before the scheduled date of commencement of term, One month Tuition Fees is payable
3. After commencement of the term (1st week of April), whether or not a student joins classes, if the admission is withdrawn, fees till the month of withdrawal application, one term fee and one month notice period fees is payable
We have carefully read, understood and agree to all the points mentioned in the fee policy & fee refund policy and undertake to abide by the same in full, failing which the institute is free to withhold the exit documents and take suitable penal/legal action against us.